Wednesday, October 15, 2008

bakso dan soto UMMI - Avocado Juice

Avocado Juice by Sumantri.

The following article taken from

The great taste of avocado u can find at Bakso and Soto Ummi at Depok Town Square. Ask to add more milk chocolate you will be remember all the time this a great taste, drink during sunny day.Wow

The English living in Jamaica called the avocado an alligator pear. Some speculate that they were comparing the skin to that of an alligator. Others say alligator was a corruption of ahuacatl. In Jamaica today the people call the avocado a pear. The Dutch called it avocaat; Spain abogado; France avocatier; Trinidad and Tobago zaboca, Even George Washington, First President of the United States, wrote in 1751 that agovago pears were abundant and popular in Barbados.

Did You Know?

  • An avocado is a fruit and not a vegetable! It is actually a member of the berry family.

  • In the past, the avocado had a well-entrenched reputation for inducing sexual prowess and wasn't purchased or consumed by any person wishing to protect their image from slanderous assault. Growers had to sponsor a public relations campaign to dispel the ill-founded reputation before avocados became popular.

  • Avocados got their name from the Spanish explorers. They couldn't pronounce the Aztec word for the fruit, know as ahuacatl, "testicle," because of its shape. The Spanish called the aguacate, leading to the guacamole we know today.

  • Avocados must reach full maturity before they are picked, however, they do not soften on the tree. The tree can actually be used as a storage unit by keeping the fruit on the tree for many months after maturing.

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1 comment:

Syifa said...

bisa mampir niy ...